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8 May 2020

Petter Reinholdtsen: Jami as a Zoom client, a trick for password protected rooms...

Half a year ago, I wrote about the Jami communication client, capable of peer-to-peer encrypted communication. It handle both messages, audio and video. It uses distributed hash tables instead of central infrastructure to connect its users to each other, which in my book is a plus. I mentioned briefly that it could also work as a SIP client, which came in handy when the higher educational sector in Norway started to promote Zoom as its video conferencing solution. I am reluctant to use the official Zoom client software, due to their copyright license clauses prohibiting users to reverse engineer (for example to check the security) and benchmark it, and thus prefer to connect to Zoom meetings with free software clients. Jami worked OK as a SIP client to Zoom as long as there was no password set on the room. The Jami daemon leak memory like crazy (approximately 1 GiB a minute) when I am connected to the video conference, so I had to restart the client every 7-10 minutes, which is not a great. I tried to get other SIP Linux clients to work without success, so I decided I would have to live with this wart until someone managed to fix the leak in the dring code base. But another problem showed up once the rooms were password protected. I could not get my dial tone signaling through from Jami to Zoom, and dial tone signaling is used to enter the password when connecting to Zoom. I tried a lot of different permutations with my Jami and Asterisk setup to try to figure out why the signaling did not get through, only to finally discover that the fundamental problem seem to be that Zoom is simply not able to receive dial tone signaling when connecting via SIP. There seem to be nothing wrong with the Jami and Asterisk end, it is simply broken in the Zoom end. I got help from a very skilled VoIP engineer figuring out this last part. And being a very skilled engineer, he was also able to locate a solution for me. Or to be exact, a workaround that solve my initial problem of connecting to password protected Zoom rooms using Jami. So, how do you do this, I am sure you are wondering by now. The trick is already documented from Zoom, and it is to modify the SIP address to include the room password. What is most surprising about this is that the automatically generated email from Zoom with instructions on how to connect via SIP do not mention this. The SIP address to use normally consist of the room ID (a number), an @ character and the IP address of the Zoom SIP gateway. But Zoom understand a lot more than just the room ID in front of the at sign. The format is "[Meeting ID].[Password].[Layout].[Host Key]", and you can hear see how you can both enter password, control the layout (full screen, active presence and gallery) and specify the host key to start the meeting. The full SIP address entered into Jami to provide the password will then look like this (all using made up numbers):
Now if only jami would reduce its memory usage, I could even recommend this setup to others. :) As usual, if you use Bitcoin and want to show your support of my activities, please send Bitcoin donations to my address 15oWEoG9dUPovwmUL9KWAnYRtNJEkP1u1b.

1 April 2020

Jonathan Wiltshire: neuraldak

We are proud to announce that dak, the Debian Archive Kit, has been replaced by a neural network for processing package uploads and other archive maintenance. All FTP masters and assistants have been re-deployed to concentrate on managing neuraldak. neuraldak is an advanced machine learning algorithm which has been taught about appropriate uploads, can write to maintainers about their bugs and can automatically make an evaluation about suitable licenses and code quality. Any uploads which do not meet its standards will be rejected with prejudice. We anticipate that neuraldak will also monitor social media for discontent about package uploads, and train itself to do better with its decisions. In terms of licensing , neuraldak has been seeded only with the GPL license. This we consider the gold standard of licenses, and its clauses will be the basis for neuraldak evaluating other licenses as it is exposed to them. Over the course of the next few weeks, neuraldak will also learn to manage the testing suite. Once it is established, we expect to be able to make a full stable release of Debian approximately every six weeks. We have therefore also re-purposed Janelle Shane s cat name algorithm to invent suitable release names, since the list of Toy Story names is likely to be exhausted before 2021. neuraldak is an independent software project. Rumours of it being derived from Skynet are entirely unfounded. The post neuraldak appeared first on

8 March 2020

Ulrike Uhlig: Implementing feedback into our work culture

Everywhere I worked in the past, the only feedback that was asked of employees was during a yearly evaluation meeting. These meetings always felt to me like talking to Santa Claus and his Knecht Ruprecht. I was asked: Were you a good employee last year? If yes, we might give you a raise. If no, admit all your mistakes now, even if we already know everything, ho ho ho. And don't you talk about your feelings, or your well-being, or say anything about the organization's (invisible) hierarchies, otherwise we will put you on the "naughty list", and that's it with candy. The yearly evaluation set aside, there was no other place to give feedback (except by escalating a matter by involving the Labour Court, if you happen to work in France, or going on strike, also mostly part of French culture). Feedback allows to reflect on work processes, to situate oneself, and to get closure. How surprised was I when, some years ago, I received an email from a collaborator asking me: kindly for just few paragraphs (doesn t have to be anything long) to hear from you about the process, your work, challenges you had, or anything else you want to mention there.. Wow!
This simple email allowed me to reflect about: How do we get to a feedback culture? How do we get from German Christmas folklore, protestant work ethics, and the deeply rooted principles of disciplining and punishing to a feedback culture on eye level? It sounds a bit like going from the dark ages to a really cool science fiction utopia with universal peace, telepathy, and magic between all sentient beings on all inhabited planets in the cosmos at least that's how I imagined it as a child, just like some of my heroes did: the cosmonaut girl who saves Earth, the boy who talks to space flowers that give him the capacity to fly, and the little onion who fights for justice (the Italian author was so popular on our side of the iron curtain that a soviet astronomer named a minor planet after him. His wife meanwhile immortalized Karl Marx.) and some romantic part of me hangs on to these ideas. Feedback is not always easy to hear and to give. I-Statements Giving and receiving feedback is hard in a culture where people learnt that when they made a mistake they won't get candy. Or that they have to constantly please other people because they are not worthy by themselves. This can lead to people putting mistakes on one another. Every sentence that starts with You are has the potential of creating a lot of hurt, and anger. Have you heard of I-Statements? They have very powerfully changed my world view, as they shift from accusation to ownership of feelings. So instead of telling someone Your writing style is impossible! You really need to change the way you write., with an I-Statement one could say I have a hard time understanding that part of the text. I-Statements make cooperation possible. Listening actively Feedback is not about being right or wrong, it's first of all about being able to see how another person has experienced a situation. Active listening is a tool that helps with understanding. It might seem easy, but needs quite some practice and a safe space. One part of active listening is to restate what you hear the other person say (by mirroring, or paraphrasing), to make sure you understood, and make sure they know you understood what they were trying to say. You can practise this: in a circle of three people, have one person tell how they experienced a (possibly conflictual) situation, have one person do the active listening, and the third person observing in order to give feedback to the active listener about how they did. Then switch roles, for example clockwise, until everyone has had every role. Encouraging continuous feedback A working feedback culture does not take place only once a year. It needs to be a continuous process and therefore implemented in meetings, teams, eventually on the level of a project. Making clear: Who can I talk to if I experience an issue? is not different than telling developers and users where and how they can report a bug, or request a feature. A safe space to express feedback is key. Encouraging multiple feedback channels Some people might feel less empowered or more vulnerable over a channel than others. Make sure to have different channels for receiving feedback such as email, a point on each meeting agenda, a one-to-one meeting, or a poll. Giving and receiving feedback on eye level In a workplace that does not have a working feedback culture, feedback is easily perceived as policing. If your feedback process consists of asking people to upload a form to a cloud server every 3 months, and you notice that some people don't do it, you could ask yourself if there is an issue with how your colleagues perceive giving feedback in your organization. Do you meet your colleagues on eye level when it comes to feedback? Do you take feedback seriously and act on it? How do you deal with unpleasant feedback? How do you react when colleagues don't meet your expectations? Can people participate in the feedback process within their paid work time? Did everybody understand what the feedback process is about? Don't jump to conclusions Humans are problem solving animals. When someone comes to us with a problem, the first thing we want to do is to solve it, to help them. But sometimes this is uncalled for, it can be disempowering, or prevent people from acquiring competences themselves, and it can even break people's boundaries. So instead of asking What can I do for you?, try asking What do you need right now? People will often reply something that you did not expect at all. Acting on feedback Make sure you have a process to collect feedback (possibly anonymized) and to regularly evaluate if the organization needs to implement changes to thrive. Conclusion I stumbled upon Hans-Christian Dany's critique of feedback again recently, therefore I need to make it clear: I'm not interested in improving capitalist work culture by using cybernetic principles of self-regulation through feedback. Instead, I am interested in improving cooperation between people who work either individually or in organizations on eye level. In this framework, I see feedback processes as profoundly anti-capitalist methods to improve cooperation while working towards common good. Implementing these ideas should be doable: there are organizations who provide feedback training for example. This document, initially aiming at people in cooperatives, gives many insights on communication skills and feedback, the agile and UX worlds do feedback "retrospectives". and otherwise I'll have to go and write science fiction stories for children myself.

23 November 2017

Sean Whitton: Using Propellor to provision your Debian development laptop

sbuild is a tool used by those maintaining packages in Debian, and derived distributions such as Ubuntu. When used correctly, it can catch a lot of categories of bugs before packages are uploaded. It does this by building the package in a clean environment, and then running the package through the Lintian, piuparts, adequate and autopkgtest tools. However, configuring sbuild so that it makes use of all of these tools is cumbersome. In response to this complexity, I wrote a module for the Propellor configuration management system to prepare a system such that a user can just go ahead and run the sbuild(1) command. This module is useful on one s development laptop if you need to reinstall your OS, you don t have to look up the instructions for setting up sbuild again. But it s also useful on throwaway build boxes. I can instruct propellor to provision a new virtual machine to build packages with sbuild, and all the different tools mentioned above will be connected together for me. I just uploaded Propellor version 5.1.0 to Debian unstable. The version overhauls the API and internals of the Sbuild module to take better advantage of Propellor s design. I won t get into those details in this post. What I d like to do is demonstrate how you can set up sbuild on your own machines, using Propellor. Getting started with Propellor apt-get install propellor, and then propellor --init. You ll be offered two setups, options A and B. I suggest starting with option B. If you never use Propellor for anything other than provisioning sbuild, you can stick with option B. If this tutorial makes you want to check out more features of Propellor, you might consider switching to option A and importing your old configuration. Open ~/.propellor/config.hs. You will see something like this:
-- The hosts propellor knows about.
hosts :: [Host]
hosts =
        [ mybox
-- An example host.
mybox :: Host
mybox = host "" $ props
        & osDebian Unstable X86_64
        & Apt.stdSourcesList
        & Apt.unattendedUpgrades
        & Apt.installed ["etckeeper"]
        & Apt.installed ["ssh"]
        & User.hasSomePassword (User "root")
        & File.dirExists "/var/www"
        & Cron.runPropellor (Cron.Times "30 * * * *")
You ll want to customise this so that it reflects your computer. My laptop is called iris, so I might replace the above with this:
-- The hosts propellor knows about.
hosts :: [Host]
hosts =
        [ iris
-- My laptop.
iris :: Host
iris = host "" $ props
        & osDebian Testing X86_64
The list of lines beginning with & are the properties of the host iris. Here, I ve removed all properties except the osDebian property, which informs propellor that iris runs Debian testing and has the amd64 architecture. The effect of this is that Propellor will not try to change anything about iris. In this tutorial, we are not going to let Propellor configure anything about iris other than setting up sbuild. (The osDebian property is a pure info property, which means that it tells Propellor information about the host to which other properties might refer, but it doesn t itself change anything about iris.) Telling Propellor to configure sbuild First, add to the import lines at the top of config.hs the lines:
import qualified Propellor.Property.Sbuild as Sbuild
import qualified Propellor.Property.Schroot as Schroot
to enable use of the Sbuild module. Here is the full config for iris, which I ll go through line-by-line:
-- The hosts propellor knows about.
hosts :: [Host]
hosts =
        [ iris
-- My laptop.
iris :: Host
iris = host "" $ props
        & osDebian Testing X86_64
        & Apt.useLocalCacher
        & sidSchrootBuilt
        & Sbuild.usableBy (User "spwhitton")
        & Schroot.overlaysInTmpfs
        & Cron.runPropellor (Cron.Times "30 * * * *")
        sidSchrootBuilt = Sbuild.built Sbuild.UseCcache $ props
                & osDebian Unstable X86_64
                & Sbuild.update  period  Daily
                & Sbuild.useHostProxy iris
Running Propellor to configure your laptop propellor In this configuration, you don t need to worry about whether the hostname actually resolves to your laptop. However, it must be possible to ssh root@localhost. This should be enough that spwhitton can:
$ sbuild -A --run-lintian --run-autopkgtest --run-piuparts foo.dsc
Further configuration It is easy to add new schroots; for example, for building backports:
        & stretchSchrootBuilt
        stretchSchrootBuilt = Sbuild.built Sbuild.UseCcache $ props
                & osDebian (Stable "stretch") X86_64
                & Sbuild.update  period  Daily
                & Sbuild.useHostProxy iris
You can also add additional properties to configure your chroot. Perhaps on your LAN you need sbuild to install packages via https, and you already have an apt cacher available. You can replace the apt-cacher-ng configuration like this:
        sidSchrootBuilt = Sbuild.built Sbuild.UseCcache $ props
                & osDebian Unstable X86_64
                & Sbuild.update  period  Daily
                & Apt.mirror "https://foo.mirror/debian/"
                & Apt.installed ["apt-transport-https"]
Thanks Thanks to Propellor s author, Joey Hess, for help navigating Propellor s type system while performing the overhaul included in version 5.1.0. Also for a conversation at DebConf17 which enabled this work by clearing some misconceptions of mine.

4 July 2017

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible Builds: week 114 in Stretch cycle

Here's what happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday June 25 and Saturday July 1 2017: Upcoming and past events Our next IRC meeting is scheduled for July 6th at 17:00 UTC (agenda). Topics to be discussed include an update on our next Summit, a potential NMU campaign, a press release for buster, branding, etc. Toolchain development and fixes Packages fixed and bugs filed Ximin Luo uploaded dash, sensible-utils and xz-utils to the deferred uploads queue with a delay of 14 days. (We have had patches for these core packages for over a year now and the original maintainers seem inactive so Debian conventions allow for this.) Patches submitted upstream: Reviews of unreproducible packages 4 package reviews have been added, 4 have been updated and 35 have been removed in this week, adding to our knowledge about identified issues. One issue types has been updated: One issue type has been added: Weekly QA work During our reproducibility testing, FTBFS bugs have been detected and reported by: diffoscope development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb, Ximin Luo, Holger Levsen, Bernhard Wiedemann, Vagrant Cascadian & reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible Builds folks on IRC & the mailing lists.

20 May 2017

Neil Williams: Software, service, data and freedom

Free software, free services but what about your data? I care a lot about free software, not only as a Debian Developer. The use of software as a service matters as well because my principle free software development is on just such a project, licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. The AGPL helps by allowing anyone who is suitably skilled to install their own copy of the software and run their own service on their own hardware. As a project, we are seeing increasing numbers of groups doing exactly this and these groups are actively contributing back to the project. So what is the problem? We've got an active project, an active community and everything is under a free software licence and regularly uploaded to Debian main. We have open code review with anonymous access to our own source code CI and anonymous access to project planning, open mailing list archives as well as an open bug tracker and a very active IRC channel (#linaro-lava on OFTC). We develop in the open, we respond in the open and we publish frequently (monthly, approximately). The code we write defaults to public visibilty at runtime with restrictions available for certain use cases. What else can we be doing? Well it was a simple question which started me thinking.
The lava documentation has various example test scripts e.g. these have no licence information, we've adapted them for a Linux Foundation project, what licence should apply to these files? Robert Marshall
Those are our own examples, contributed as part of the documentation and covered by the AGPL like the rest of the documentation and the software which it documents, so I replied with the same. However, what about all the other submissions received by the service?
Data Freedom LAVA acts by providing a service to authenticated users. The software runs your test code on hardware which might not be available to the user or which is simply inconvenient for the test writer to setup themselves. The AGPL covers this nicely. What about the data contributed by the users? We make this available to other users who will, naturally, copy and paste for their own tests. In most cases, because the software defaults to public access, anonymous users also get to learn from the contributions of other test writers. This is a good thing and to be encouraged. (One reason why we moved to YAML for all submissions was to allow comments to help other users understand why the submission does specific things.) Writing a test job submission or a test shell definition from scratch is a non-trivial amount of work. We've written dozens of pages of documentation covering how and how not to do it but the detail of how a test job runs exactly what the test writer requires can involve substantial effort. (Our documentation recommends using version control for each of these works for exactly these reasons.) At what point do these works become software? At what point do these need licensing? How could that be declared?
Perils of the Javascript Trap approach When reading up on the AGPL, I also read about Service as a Software Substitute (SaaSS) and this led to The Javascript Trap. I don't consider LAVA to be SaaSS although it is Software as a Service (SaaS). (Distinguishing between those is best left to the GNU document as it is an almighty tangle at times.) I did look at the GNU ideas for licensing Javascript but it seems cumbersome and unnecessary - a protocol designed for the specific purposes of their own service rather than as a solution which could be readily adopted by all such services. The same problems affect trying to untangle sharing the test job data within LAVA.
Adding Licence text The traditional way, of course, is simply to add twenty lines or so of comments at the top of every file. This works nicely for source code because the comments are hidden from the final UI (unless an explicit reference is made in the --help output or similar). It is less nice for human readable submissions where the first thing someone has to do is scroll passed the comments to get to what they want to see. At that point, it starts to look like a popup or a nagging banner - blocking the requested content on a website to try and get the viewer to subscribe to a newsletter or pay for the rest of the content. Let's not actively annoy visitors who are trying to get things done.
Adding Licence files This can be done in the remote version control repository - then a single line in the submitted file can point at the licence. This is how I'm seeking to solve the problem of our own repositories. If the reference URL is included in the metadata of the test job submission, it can even be linked into the test job metadata and made available to everyone through the results API.
  licence.text: http://mysite/lava/git/COPYING BSD 3 clause
Metadata in LAVA test job submissions is free-form but if the example was adopted as a convention for LAVA submissions, it would make it easy for someone to query LAVA for the licences of a range of test submissions. Currently, LAVA does not store metadata from the test shell definitions except the URL of the git repo for the test shell definition but that may be enough in most cases for someone to find the relevant COPYING or LICENCE file.
Which licence? This could be a problem too. If users contribute data under unfriendly licences, what is LAVA to do? I've used the BSD 3 clause in the above example as I expect it to be the most commonly used licence for these contributions. A copyleft licence could be used, although doing so would require additional metadata in the submission to declare how to contribute back to the original author (because that is usually not a member of the LAVA project).
Why not Creative Commons? Although I'm referring to these contributions as data, these are not pieces of prose or images or audio. These are instructions (with comments) for a specific piece of software to execute on behalf of the user. As such, these objects must comply with the schema and syntax of the receiving service, so a code-based licence would seem correct.
Results Finally, a word about what comes back from your data submission - the results. This data cannot be restricted by any licence affecting either the submission or the software, it can be restricted using the API or left as the default of public access. If the results and the submission data really are private, then the solution is to take advantage of the AGPL, take the source code of LAVA and run it internally where the entire service can be placed within a firewall.
What happens next?
  1. Please consider editing your own LAVA test job submissions to add licence metadata.
  2. Please use comments in your own LAVA test job submissions, especially if you are using some form of template engine to generate the submission. This data will be used by others, it is easier for everyone if those users do not have to ask us or you about why your test job does what it does.
  3. Add a file to your own repositories containing LAVA test shell definitions to declare how these files can be shared freely.
  4. Think about other services to which you submit data which is either only partially machine generated or which is entirely human created. Is that data free-form or are you essentially asking the service to do a precise task on your behalf as if you were programming that server directly? (Jenkins is a classic example, closely related to LAVA.)
    • Think about how much developer time was required to create that submission and how the service publishes that submission in ways that allow others to copy and paste it into their own submissions.
    • Some of those submissions can easily end up in documentation or other published sources which will need to know about how to licence and distribute that data in a new format (i.e. modification.) Do you intend for that useful purpose to be defeated by releasing your data under All Rights Reserved?
Contact I don't enable comments on this blog but there are enough ways to contact me and the LAVA project in the body of this post, it really shouldn't be a problem for anyone to comment.

18 March 2017

Vincent Sanders: A rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Often I end up dealing with code that works but might not be of the highest quality. While quality is subjective I like to use the idea of "code smell" to convey what I mean, these are a list of indicators that, in total, help to identify code that might benefit from some improvement.

Such smells may include:
I am most certainly not alone in using this approach and Fowler et al have covered this subject in the literature much better than I can here. One point I will raise though is some programmers dismiss code that exhibits these traits as "legacy" and immediately suggest a fresh implementation. There are varying opinions on when a rewrite is the appropriate solution from never to always but in my experience making the old working code smell nice is almost always less effort and risk than a re-write.
TestsWhen I come across smelly code, and I decide it is worthwhile improving it, I often discover the biggest smell is lack of test coverage. Now do remember this is just one code smell and on its own might not be indicative, my experience is smelly code seldom has effective test coverage while fresh code often does.

Test coverage is generally understood to be the percentage of source code lines and decision paths used when instrumented code is exercised by a set of tests. Like many metrics developer tools produce, "coverage percentage" is often misused by managers as a proxy for code quality. Both Fowler and Marick have written about this but sufficient to say that for a developer test coverage is a useful tool but should not be misapplied.

Although refactoring without tests is possible the chances for unintended consequences are proportionally higher. I often approach such a refactor by enumerating all the callers and constructing a description of the used interface beforehand and check that that interface is not broken by the refactor. At which point is is probably worth writing a unit test to automate the checks.

Because of this I have changed my approach to such refactoring to start by ensuring there is at least basic API code coverage. This may not yield the fashionable 85% coverage target but is useful and may be extended later if desired.

It is widely known and equally widely ignored that for maximum effectiveness unit tests must be run frequently and developers take action to rectify failures promptly. A test that is not being run or acted upon is a waste of resources both to implement and maintain which might be better spent elsewhere.

For projects I contribute to frequently I try to ensure that the CI system is running the coverage target, and hence the unit tests, which automatically ensures any test breaking changes will be highlighted promptly. I believe the slight extra overhead of executing the instrumented tests is repaid by having the coverage metrics available to the developers to aid in spotting areas with inadequate tests.
ExampleA short example will help illustrate my point. When a web browser receives an object over HTTP the server can supply a MIME type in a content-type header that helps the browser interpret the resource. However this meta-data is often problematic (sorry that should read "a misleading lie") so the actual content must be examined to get a better answer for the user. This is known as mime sniffing and of course there is a living specification.

The source code that provides this API (Linked to it rather than included for brevity) has a few smells:
While some of these are obvious the non-use of the global string table and the API complexity needed detailed knowledge of the codebase, just to highlight how subjective the sniff test can be. There is also one huge air freshener in all of this which definitely comes from experience and that is the modules author. Their name at the top of this would ordinarily be cause for me to move on, but I needed an example!

First thing to check is the API use

$ git grep -i -e mimesniff_compute_effective_type --or -e mimesniff_init --or -e mimesniff_fini
content/hlcache.c: error = mimesniff_compute_effective_type(handle, NULL, 0,
content/hlcache.c: error = mimesniff_compute_effective_type(handle,
content/hlcache.c: error = mimesniff_compute_effective_type(handle,
content/mimesniff.c:nserror mimesniff_init(void)
content/mimesniff.c:void mimesniff_fini(void)
content/mimesniff.c:nserror mimesniff_compute_effective_type(llcache_handle *handle,
content/mimesniff.h:nserror mimesniff_compute_effective_type(struct llcache_handle *handle,
content/mimesniff.h:nserror mimesniff_init(void);
content/mimesniff.h:void mimesniff_fini(void);
desktop/netsurf.c: ret = mimesniff_init();
desktop/netsurf.c: mimesniff_fini();

This immediately shows me that this API is used in only a very small area, this is often not the case but the general approach still applies.

After a little investigation the usage is effectively that the mimesniff_init API must be called before the mimesniff_compute_effective_type API and the mimesniff_fini releases the initialised resources.

A simple test case was added to cover the API, this exercised the behaviour both when the init was called before the computation and not. Also some simple tests for a limited number of well behaved inputs.

By changing to using the global string table the initialisation and finalisation API can be removed altogether along with a large amount of global context and pre-processor macros. This single change removes a lot of smell from the module and raises test coverage both because the global string table already has good coverage and because there are now many fewer lines and conditionals to check in the mimesniff module.

I stopped the refactor at this point but were this more than an example I probably would have:
ConclusionThe approach examined here reduce the smell of code in an incremental, testable way to improve the codebase going forward. This is mainly necessary on larger complex codebases where technical debt and bit-rot are real issues that can quickly overwhelm a codebase if not kept in check.

This technique is subjective but helps a programmer to quantify and examine a piece of code in a structured fashion. However it is only a tool and should not be over applied nor used as a metric to proxy for code quality.

16 March 2017

Thorsten Glaser: Updates to the last two posts

Someone from the FSF s licencing department posted an official-looking thing saying they don t believe GitHub s new ToS to be problematic with copyleft. Well, my lawyer (not my personal one, nor for The MirOS Project, but related to another association, informally) does agree with my reading of the new ToS, and I can point out at least a clause in the GPLv1 (I really don t have time right now) which says contrary (but does this mean the FSF generally waives the restrictions of the GPL for anything on GitHub?). I ll eMail GitHub Legal directly and will try to continue getting this fixed (as soon as I have enough time for it) as I ll otherwise be forced to force GitHub to remove stuff from me (but with someone else as original author) under GPL, such as tinyirc and e3. My dbconfig-common Debian packaging example got a rather hefty upgrade because dbconfig-common (unlike any other DB schema framework I know of) doesn t apply the upgrades on a fresh install (and doesn t automatically put the upgrades into a transaction either) but only upgrades between Debian package versions (which can be funny with backports, but AFAICT that part is handled correctly). I now append the upgrades to the initial-version-as-seen-in-the-source to generate the initial-version-as-shipped-in-the-binary-package (optionally, only if it s named .in) removing all transaction stuff from the upgrade files and wrapping the whole shit in BEGIN; and COMMIT; after merging. (This should at least not break n n-PostgreSQL databases and well, database-like-ish things I cannot test for obvious (SQLite is illegal, at least in Germany, but potentially worldwide, and then PostgreSQL is the only remaining Open Source database left ;) reasons.) Update: Yes, this does mean that maintainers of databases and webservers should send me patches to make this work with not-PostgreSQL (new install/, upgrade files) and not-Apache-2.2/2.4 (new debian/*/*.conf snippets) to make this packaging example even more generally usable. Natureshadow already forked this and made a Python/Flask package from it, so I ll prod him to provide a similarily versatile hello-python-world example package.

1 March 2017

Thorsten Glaser: New GitHub Terms of Service r e q u i r e removing many Open Source works from it

Please use the correct (perma)link to bookmark this article, not the page listing all wlog entries of the last decade. Thank you.</update> Some updates inline and at the bottom. The new Terms of Service of GitHub became effective today, which is quite problematic there was a review phase, but my reviews pointing out the problems were not answered, and, while the language is somewhat changed from the draft, they became effective immediately. Now, the new ToS are not so bad that one immediately must stop using their service for disagreement, but it s important that certain content may no longer legally be pushed to GitHub. I ll try to explain which is affected, and why. I m mostly working my way backwards through section D, as that s where the problems I identified lie, and because this is from easier to harder. Note that using a private repository does not help, as the same terms apply. Anything requiring attribution (e.g. CC-BY, but also BSD, ) Section D.7 requires the person uploading content to waive any and all attribution rights. Ostensibly to allow basic functions like search to work , which I can even believe, but, for a work the uploader did not create completely by themselves, they can t grant this licence. The CC licences are notably bad because they don t permit sublicencing, but even so, anything requiring attribution can, in almost all cases, not written or otherwise, created or uploaded by our Users . This is fact, and the exceptions are few. Anything putting conditions on the right to use, display and perform the work and, worse, reproduce (all Copyleft) Section D.5 requires the uploader to grant all other GitHub users Note that section D.4 is similar, but granting the licence to GitHub (and their successors); while this is worded much more friendly than in the draft, this fact only makes it harder to see if it affects works in a similar way. But that doesn t matter since D.5 is clear enough. (This doesn t mean it s not a problem, just that I don t want to go there and analyse D.4 as D.5 points out the same problems but is easier.) This means that any and all content under copyleft licences is also no longer welcome on GitHub. Anything requiring integrity of the author s source (e.g. LPPL) Some licences are famous for requiring people to keep the original intact while permitting patches to be piled on top; this is actually permissible for Open Source, even though annoying, and the most common LaTeX licence is rather close to that. Section D.3 says any (partial) content can be removed though keeping a PKZIP archive of the original is a likely workaround. Affected licences Anything copyleft (GPL, AGPL, LGPL, CC-*-SA) or requiring attribution (CC-BY-*, but also 4-clause BSD, Apache 2 with NOTICE text file, ) are affected. BSD-style licences without advertising clause (MIT/Expat, MirOS, etc.) are probably not affected if GitHub doesn t go too far and dissociates excerpts from their context and legal info, but then nobody would be able to distribute it, so that d be useless. But what if I just fork something under such a licence? Only continuing to use GitHub constitutes accepting the new terms. This means that repositories from people who last used GitHub before March 2017 are excluded. Even then, the new terms likely only apply to content uploaded in March 2017 or later (note that git commit dates are unreliable, you have to actually check whether the contribution dates March 2017 or later). And then, most people are likely unaware of the new terms. If they upload content they themselves don t have the appropriate rights (waivers to attribution and copyleft/share-alike clauses), it s plain illegal and also makes your upload of them or a derivate thereof no more legal. Granted, people who, in full knowledge of the new ToS, share any User-Generated Content with GitHub on or after 1 March, 2017, and actually have the appropriate rights to do that, can do that; and if you encounter such a repository, you can fork, modify and upload that iff you also waive attribution and copyleft/share-alike rights for your portion of the upload. But especially in the beginning these will be few and far between (even more so taking into account that GitHub is, legally spoken, a mess, and they don t even care about hosting only OSS / Free works). Conclusion (Fazit) I ll be starting to remove any such content of mine, such as the source code mirrors of jupp, which is under the GNU GPLv1, now and will be requesting people who forked such repositories on GitHub to also remove them. This is not something I like to do but something I am required to do in order to comply with the licence granted to me by my upstream. Anything you ve found contributed by me in the meantime is up for review; ping me if I forgot something. (mksh is likely safe, even if I hereby remind you that the attribution requirement of the BSD-style licences still applies outside of GitHub.) (Pet peeve: why can t I adopt a licence with British spelling? They seem to require oversea barbarian spelling.) The others Atlassian Bitbucket has similar terms (even worse actually; I looked at them to see whether I could mirror mksh there, and turns out, I can t if I don t want to lose most of what few rights I retain when publishing under a permissive licence). Gitlab seems to not have such, but requires you to indemnify them YMMV. I think I ll self-host the removed content. And now? I m in contact with someone from GitHub Legal (not explicitly in the official capacity though) and will try to explain the sheer magnitude of the problem and ways to solve this (leaving the technical issues to technical solutions and requiring legal solutions only where strictly necessary), but for now, the ToS are enacted (another point of my criticism of this move) and thus, the aforementioned works must go off GitHub right now. That s not to say they may not come back later once this all has been addressed, if it will be addressed to allow that. The new ToS do have some good; for example, the old ToS said you allow every GitHub user to fork your repositories without ever specifying what that means. It s just that the people over at GitHub need to understand that, both legally and technically , any and all OSS licences grant enough to run a hosting platform already , and separate explicit grants are only needed if a repository contains content not under an OSI/OKFN/Copyfree/FSF/DFSG-free licence. I have been told that these are important issues and been thanked for my feedback; we ll see what comes from this. maybe with a little more effort on the coders side All licences on one of those lists or conformant to the DFSG, OSD or OKD should do . e.g. when displaying search results, add a note this is an excerpt, click HERE to get to the original work in its context, with licence and attribution where HERE is a backlink to the file in the repository It is understood those organisations never un-approve any licence that rightfully conforms to those definitions (also in cases like a grant saying just use any OSS licence which is occasionally used) Update: In the meantime, joeyh has written not one but two insightful articles (although I disagree in some details; the new licence is only to GitHub users (D.5) and GitHub (D.4) and only within their system, so, while uploaders would violate the ToS (they cannot grant the licence) and (probably) the upstream-granted copyleft licence, this would not mean that everyone else wasn t bound by the copyleft licence in, well, enough cases to count (yes it s possible to construct situations in which this hurts the copyleft fraction, but no, they re nowhere near 100%).

22 December 2016

Shirish Agarwal: My letter to Government of Maharashtra on Real Estate Rules and Regulation Draft rules

While I try to minimize Politics and Economics as much as I can on this blog, it sometimes surfaces. It is possible that some people may benefit or at least be aware. A bit of background is necessary before I jump into the intricacies of the Maharashtra Real Estate Rules and Regulation Draft Rules 2016 (RERA) . Since ever, but more prominently since 2007/8 potential homeowners from across the country have been suffering at the hands of the builder/promoter for number of years. While it would be wrong to paint all the Real Estate Developers and Builders as cheats (we as in all tenants and homeowners hope there are good ones out there) many Real Estate Builders and promoters have cheated homeowners of their hard-earned money. This has also lessened the secondary (resale) market and tenants like me have to fight over morsels as supply is tight. There were two broad ways in which the cheating is/was done a. Take deposits and run away i.e. fly by night operators Here the only option for a homeowner is to file an FIR (First Information Report) and hope the culprits are caught. 99% of the time the builder/promoter goes somewhere abroad and the potential home buyers/home-owners are left holding the can. This is usually done by small real estate promoters and builders. b. The big boys would take all or most money of the project, may register or not register the flat in your name, either build a quarter or half-finished building and then make excuses. There are some who do not even build. The money given is used by the builder/developer either for his own needs or using that money in some high-profile project which is expensive and may have huge returns. They know that home-owners can t do anything, at the most go to the court which will take more than a decade or two during which time the developer would have interest-free income and do whatever he wants to do. One of the bigger stories which came up this year was when the Indian Cricket Captain, M.S. Dhoni (cricket is a religion in India, and the cricketers gods for millions of Indians) had to end his brand engagement and ambassadorship from Amrapali Housing Group. Apparently, his wife Sakshi was on the Board of directors at Amrapali Housing and had to resign The Government knew of such issues and had been working since last few years. Under the present Government, a Model Agreement and a Model Real Estate Rules and Regulation Bill was passed on 31st March and came into force on 1st May 2016. India, similar to the U.S. and U.K. follows a federal structure. While I have shared this before, most of the laws in India fall in either of three lists, Central List, Concurrent Lists and State Lists. Housing for instance, is a state subject so any laws concerning housing has to be made by the state legislature. Having a statutory requirement to put the bill in 6 months from 1st of May, the Government of Maharashtra chose to put the draft rules in public domain on 12th December 2016, about 10 days ago and there were efforts to let it remain low-key so people do not object as we are still in the throes of demonetisation. By law they should have given 30 days for people to raise objections and give suggestions. The State Government too could have easily asked an extension and as both the State and the Centre are of the same Political Party they would have easily got it. With that, below is the e-mail I sent to Sub Some suggestions for RERA biggest suggestion, need to give more time study the implications for house-owners. Respected Sir/Madame, I will be publishing the below mail as a public letter on my blog as well. I am writing as a citizen, a voter, a potential home owner, currently a tenant . If houses supply is not in time, it is us, the tenants who have the most to lose as we have to fight over whatever is in the market. I do also hope to be a home buyer at some point in time so these rules would affect me also somewhere in the hazy future. I came to know through the media that Maharashtra Govt. recently introduced draft rules for RERA Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 . I hope to impress upon you that these proposed Rules and Regulations need to be thoroughly revised and new draft rules shared with the public at large with proper announcement in all newspapers and proper time ( more than a month ) to study and give replies on the said matter. My suggestions and complaints are as under a. The first complaint and suggestion is that the date between the draft regulations and suggestions being invited by members of public is and was too little 12 December 2016 23 December 2016 (only 11 days) for almost 90 pages of Government rules and regulations which needs multiple rounds of re-reading to understand the implications of the draft rules . Add to that unlike the Central Building Legislation, Model Agreement which was prepared by Centre and also given wide publicity, the Maharashtra Govt. didn t do any such publicity to bring it to the
notice of the people. b. I ask where was the hurry to publish these draft rules now when everybody is suffering through the result of cash-crunch on top of other things. If the said draft rules were put up in January 2017, I am sure more people would have responded to the draft rules. Ir raises suspicion in the mind of everybody the timing of sharing the draft rules and the limited time given to people to respond. E.g. When TRAI (Telephone Regulatory Authority of India) asked for suggestion it gives more than a month, and something like housing which is an existential question for everybody, i.e. the poor, the middle and the rich, you have given pretty less time. While I could change my telephone service providers at a moment s notice without huge loss, the same cannot be said either for a house owner (in case of builder) or a tenant as well. This is just not done. c. The documents are at under different sub-headings while the correct structure of the documents can be found at nared s site . At the very least, the documents should have been in proper order. Coming to some of the salient points raised both in the media and elsewhere 1. On page 6 of Part IV-A Ext1.pdf you have written Explanation.-The registration of a real estate project shall not be required,- (i) for the purpose of any renovations or repair or redevelopment which does not involve marketing, advertisement, selling or new allotment of any apartment , plot or building as the case may be under
the real estate project; RERA draft rules What it means is that the house owner and by the same stroke the tenant would have absolutely no voice to oppose any changes made to the structure at any point of time after the building is built. This means the builder is free to build 12-14-16 even 20 stories building when the original plans were for 6-8-10. This rule gives the builder to do free for all till the building doesn t get converted into a society, a process which does and can take years to happen. 2. A builder has to take innumerable permissions from different authorities at each and every stage till possession of a said property isn t handed over to a home buyer and by its extension to the tenant. Now any one of these authorities could sit on the papers and there is no accountability of by when papers would be passed under a competent authority s desk. There was a wide belief that there would be some
rules and regulations framed in this regard but the draft rules are silent on the subject matter. 3. In Draft rule 5. page 8 of Part IV-A Ext1.pdf you write Withdrawal of amounts deposited in separate account.-(1) With regard to the withdrawal of amounts deposited under sub-clause (D) of clause (l) of sub-section (2) of section 4, the following provisions shall apply:- (i) For new projects which will be registered after commencement. Deposit in the escrow account is from now onwards. So what happens to the projects which are ongoing at the moment, either at the registration stage or at building stage, thousands of potential house owners would be left to fend for themselves. There needs to be some recourse for them as well. 3b. Another suggestion is that the house-owners are duly informed when promoters/builders are taking money from the bank and should have the authority to see that proper documents and procedure was followed. It is possible that unscrupulous elements may either bypass it or give some different documents which are not in knowledge of the house-owner, thus defeating the purpose of the escrow account itself. 4. On page 44 of Pt.IV-A Ext.161 in the Model Agreement to be entered
between the Promoter and the Alottee you have mentioned (i)The Allottee hereby agrees to purchase from the Promoter and the Promoter hereby agrees to sell to the Allottee one Apartment No. .. of the type .. of carpet area admeasuring .. sq. metres on floor in the building __________along with (hereinafter referred to as the Apartment ) as shown in the Floor plan thereof hereto annexed and marked Annexures C
for the consideration of Rs. . including Rs. . being the proportionate price of the common areas and facilities appurtenant to the premises, the nature, extent and description of the common/limited common areas and facilities which are more particularly described in the Second Schedule annexed herewith. (the price of the Apartment including the proportionate price of the limited common areas and facilities and parking spaces should be shown separately). (ii) The Allottee hereby agrees to purchase from the Promoter and the Promoter hereby agrees to sell to the Allottee garage bearing Nos ____ situated at _______ Basement and/or stilt and /or ____podium being
constructed in the layout for the consideration of Rs. ____________/- (iii) The Allottee hereby agrees to purchase from the Promoter and the Promoter hereby agrees to sell to the Allottee Car parking spaces bearing Nos ____ situated at _______ Basement and/or stilt and /or ____podium and/or open parking space, being constructed in the layout for the
consideration of Rs. ____________/-. The total aggregate consideration amount for the apartment including garages/car parking spaces is
thus Rs.______/- Draft rules. What has been done here is the parking space has been divorced from sale of the flat . It is against natural justice, logic, common sense as well-known precedents in jurisprudence (i.e. law) In September 2010, the bench of Justices R M Lodha and A K Patnaik had ruled in a judgement stating developers cannot sell parking spaces as independent real-estate units. The court ruled that parking areas are common areas and facilities . This was on behalf of a precedent in Mumbai High Court as well. This has been reiterated again and again in courts as well as consumer
forums and has been the norm in several Apartment Acts over multiple states 5. In case of dispute, the case will high court which is inundated by huge number of pending cases. As recently as August 2016 there was a news item in Indian Express which talks about the spike in pending cases. Putting a case in the high court will weigh heavily on the homeowner, financially and
mentally It may be better to use the services of National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission'(NCDRC) where there is possibility of quicker justice and quick resolution. There is possibility of group actions taking place which will reduce duplicity of work on behalf of the petitioners. 6. There is neither any clarity, incentive or punitive action against the promoter/builder if s/he delay conveyance to the society in order to get any future developmental and FSI rights. To delay handing over conveyance, the builders delay completion of the last building in a said project. there should be both a compensatory and punitive actions taken against the builder if he is unable to prove any genuine cause for the same. 7. There needs to be the provision with regard to need for developers to make public disclosures pertaining to building approvals. This while I had shared above needs to be explicitly mentioned so house-owners know the promoter/builder are on the right path. 8. There needs to be a provision that prohibits refusal to sell property to any person on the basis of his/her religion, marital status or dietary preferences. 9. There is lot of ambiguity if criminal proceedings can be initiated against a promoter/developer if s/he fails to deliver the flat on time. The developer should be criminally liable if he doesn t give the flat with all the amenities, fixtures and anything which was on agreement signed by both parties and for which the payment has been given in
full at time of possession of a flat. 10. Penalties for the promoter/builder is capped at 10% in case of any wrong-doing. Apart from proving the charge, the onus of which would lie on the house-owner, capping it at 10% is similar to A teacher telling a naughty student, do whatever you want to do, I am only going to hit you 5 times. Such a drafting encourages the Promoter/builder to play mischief. The builder knows his exposure is pretty limited. Liability is limited so he will try to get with whatever he can. Having a high penalty clause will deter him. 11. There was talk and shown in the Center s model agreement the precedent of providing names, addresses and contact details of other allot-tees or home-owners of a building that would have multiple dwelling units . This is nowhere either in the agreement or mentioned anywhere else in the four documents. 12. An addition to the above would be that the details provided should be correct and updated as per the records maintained by the Promoter/builder. 13. Today, there is no way for a potential house-owner to know if the builder had broken any norms or has any cases in court pending against him. There should be a way for the potential house-owner to find out. 14. A builder can terminate a flat purchase agreement by giving just a week s notice on email to the buyer who defaults on an instalment. But the developer can refund the money without interest to the
purchaser at leisure, within six months.Under MOFA (the earlier rules), the developer could cancel the agreement after giving a 15 days notice, and the builder could resell the flat only after refunding money to the original buyer. Under the new draft rules, a builder can immediately sell the flat after terminating the agreement. 15. The new draft rules say a buyer must pay 30% of the total cost while signing the agreement and 45% when the plinth of the building is constructed. The earlier state law stipulated 20% payment when the
agreement is signed with the developer. 16. The Central model agreement and rules proposed a fee of INR Rs 1,000 for filing complaints before housing authority; the state draft has proposed to hike this fee to Rs INR Rs. 10,000/- 17. Reading the Central Model Agreement, key disclosures under Section 4 (2)and Rule 3 (2) of the Central Model Rules have been excluded to be put up on the website of the Authority. These included carpet area of flat, encumbrance certificate (this would have disclosed encumbrances in respect of the land where the real estate project is proposed to be undertaken), copy of the legal title report and sanctioned plan of the building. Due to this house-owner would always be in dark and assume that everything is alright. There have been multiple instances of this over years Some examples 18. The Central rule requires a builder to submit an annual report including profit and loss account, balance sheet, cash flow statement, directors report and auditors report for the preceding three financial years, among other things. However, the Maharashtra draft rules are silent on such a requirement. While the above is what I could perceive in the limited amount I came to know. This should be enough to convince that more needs to be done from the house-owner s side. Update Just saw Quint s Op-Ed goes in more detail.
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #Draft Rules for Real Estate Rules and Regulation (2016), #hurry, #Name, #Response, Amrapali Group, Contact details of other hom-owners in a scheme., M.S. Dhoni

13 December 2016

Shirish Agarwal: Eagle Encounters, pier Stellenbosch

Before starting, have to say hindsight as they say is always 20/20. I was moaning about my 6/7 hour trip few blog posts back but now came to know about the 17.5 hr. flights (17.5x800km/hr=14000 km.) which are happening around me. I would say I was whining about nothing seeing those flights. I can t even imagine how people would feel in those flights. Six hours were too much in the tin-can, thankfully though I was in the aisle seat. In 14 hours most people would probably give to Air rage . I just saw an excellent article on the subject. I also came to know that seat-selection and food on a long-haul flights are a luxury, hence that changes the equation quite a bit as well. So on these facts, it seems Qatar Airways treated me quite well as I was able to use both those options. Disclaimer My knowledge about birds/avian is almost non-existent, Hence feel free to correct me if I do go wrong anywhere. Coming back to earth literally , I will have to share a bit of South Africa as that is part and parcel of what I m going to share next. Also many of the pictures shared in this particular blog post belong to KK who has shared them with me with permission to share it with the rest of the world. When I was in South Africa, in the first couple of days as well as what little reading of South African History I had read before travelling, had known that the Europeans, specifically the Dutch ruled on South Africa for many years. What was shared to me in the first day or two that Afrikaans is mostly spoken by Europeans still living in South Africa, some spoken by the coloured people as well. This tied in with the literature I had already read. The Wikipedia page shares which language is spoken by whom and how the demographics play out if people are interested to know that. One of the words or part of the word for places we came to know is bosch as is used in many a places. Bosch means wood or forest. After this we came to know about many places which were known as somethingbosch which signified to us that area is or was a forest. On the second/third day Chirayu (pictured, extreme left) shared the idea of going to Eagle Encounters. Other people pictured in the picture are yours truly, some of the people from GSOC, KK is in the middle, the driver Leonard something who took us to Eagle Encounters on the right (pictured extreme right). Update I was informed that it was a joint plan between Chirayu and KK. They also had some other options planned which later got dropped by the wayside. The whole gang/group along with Leonard coming from eagle encounters It was supposed to be somewhat near, (Spier, Stellenbosch). While I was not able to able to see/figure out where Eagle Encounters is on Openstreetmap, somebody named Firefishy added Spier to OSM few years back. So thank you for that Firefishy so I can at least pin-point a closer place. I didn t see/know/try to figure out about the place as Chirayu said it s a zoo . I wasn t enthusiastic as much as I had been depressed by most zoos in India, while you do have national reserves/Parks in India where you see animals in their full glory. I have been lucky to been able to seen Tadoba and Ranthambore National parks and spend some quality time (about a week) to have some idea as to what can/happens in forests and people living in the buffer-zones but those stories are for a different day altogether. I have to say I do hope to be part of the Ranthambore experience again somewhere in the future, it really is a beautiful place for flora and fauna and fortunately or unfortunately this is the best time apart from spring, as you have the game of mist/fog and animals . North India this time of the year is something to be experienced. I wasn t much enthused as zoos in India are claustrophobic for animals and people both. There are small cages and you see and smell the shit/piss of the animals, generally not a good feeling. Chirayu shared with us also the possibility of being able to ride of Segways and range of bicycles which relieved me so that in case we didn t enjoy the zoo we would enjoy the Segway at least and have a good time (although it would have different expenses than the ones at Eagle Encounters). My whole education about what a zoo could be was turned around at Eagle Encounters as it seems to be somewhere between a zoo and what I know as national parks where animals roam free. We purchased the tickets and went in, the first event/happening was Eagle Encounters itself. One of the families at Eagle Encounter handling a snowy eagle Our introduction to the place started by two beautiful volunteer/trainers who were in charge of all the birds in the Eagle Encounters vicinity. The introduction started by every one of us who came for the Eagle Encounter show to wear a glove and to have/hold one of the pair of snowy owls to sit on the glove. That picture is of a family who was part of our show. Before my turn came, I was a little apprehensive/worried about holding a Owl -period. To my surprise, they were so soft and easy-going, I could hardly feel the weight on my hand. While the trainer/volunteers were constantly feeding them earthworm-bits (I didn t ask, just guessing) and we were all happy as they along with the visitors were constantly playing and interacting with the birds, sharing with us the life-cycle of the snowy Owl. It s only then I understood why in the Harry Potter Universe, the owl plays such an important part. They seem to be a nice, curious, easy-going, proud creatures which fits perfectly in the HP Universe. In hind-sight I should have videod the whole experience as the trainer/volunteer showed a battery of owls, eagles, vultures, Hawks (different birds of prey) what have you. I have to confess my knowledge of birds is and was non-existent. Vulture at the Eagle Encounters show Vulture, One of the larger birds we saw at the Eagle Encounters show. Some of the birds could be dangerous, especially in the wild. The other trainer showing off a Black Eagle at Eagle Encounters That was the other Volunteer-Trainer who was showing off the birds. I especially liked the t-shirt she was wearing. The shop at Eagle Encounters had whole lot of them, they were a bit expensive and just not my size Tidbit Just a few years ago, it was a shocker to me to know/realize that what commonly goes/known in the country as a parrot by most people is actually a Parakeet. As can be seen in the article linked, they are widely distributed in India. While I was young, I used to see the rose-ringed parakeets quite a bit around but nowadays due to probably pollution and other factors, they are noticeably less. They are popular as pets in India. I don t know what Pollito would think about that, don t think he would think good. Trainer showing off a Hawk at Eagle Encounters As I cannot differentiate between Hawk, Vulture, Eagle, etc. I would safely say a Bird of Prey as that was what he was holding. This photo was taken after the event was over where we all were curious to know about the volunteer/trainer, their day job and what it meant for them to be taking care of these birds. Update KK has shared with me what those specific birds are called, so in case the names or species are wrong, please take the truck with her and not me. While I don t remember the name of the trainer/volunteer, among other things it was shared that the volunteers/trainers aren t paid enough and they never have enough funds to take care of all the birds who come to them. Trainer showing Hawk and background chart Where the picture was shot (both this and earlier) was sort of open-office. If you look closely, you will see that there are names of the birds, for instance, people who loved LOTR would easily see Gandalf . that board lists how much food (probably in grams) did the bird eat in a day and week. While it was not shared, I m sure there would be a lot of paperwork, studies to get the birds as well as possible. From a computer science perspective, there seemed to be lot of potential for avian and big-data professionals to do lot of computer modelling and analysis and give more insight into the rehabilitation efforts so the process could be more fine-tuned, efficient and economic perhaps. Hawk on stand This is how we saw the majority of the birds. Most of them had a metal/plastic string which was tied to small artificial branches as the one above. I forgot to share a very important point. Eagle Encounters is not a zoo but a Rehabilitation Centre. While the cynic/skeptic part of me tried to not feel or see the before and after pictures of the birds bought to the rehabilitation centre, the caring part was moved to see most of the birds being treated with love and affection. From our conversations with the Volunteer-Trainer it emerged that every week they had to turn away lots of birds due to space constraints. It is only the most serious/life-threatening cases for which they could provide care in a sustainable way they would keep. Some of the birds who were in the cages were large, airy. I wouldn t say clean as what little I read before as well later is that birds shit enormously so cleaning cages is quite an effort. Most of the cages and near those artificial branches there were placards of people who were sponsoring a bird or two to look after them. From what was shared, many of the birds who came had been abused in many ways. Some of them had their bones crushed or/and other cruel ways. As I had shared that I had been wonderfully surprised by seeing birds come so close to me and most of my friends, I felt rage about those who had treated the birds in such evil, bad ways. What was shared with us that while they try to heal the birds as much as possible, it is always suspect how well the birds would survive on their own in nature, hence many of these birds would go to the sponsor or to some other place when they are well. The Secretary birds - cage- sponsors-adopted If you look at the picture closely, maybe look at the higher resolution photo in the gallery, you will see that both the birds have been adopted by two different couples. The birds as the name tag shows are called Secretaries . The Secretaries make a typical sound which is similar to the sound made by old typewriters. Just as woodpeckers make Morse Code noises when they are pecking with their beaks on trees, something similar to the sound of keys emitted by Old Remington typewriters when clicked on was done by the Secretaries. One of the birds in the cage, This is one of the birds in one of the few cages. If you see a higher-resolution picture of the earlier picture, the one which has Secretaries . Also as can be seen in the picture, there is wood-working happening and they are trying to expand the Rehabilitation Centre. All in all, an excursion which was supposed to be for just an hour, extended to something like 3 odd hours. KK shot more than a 1000 odd pictures while trying to teach/converse in Malyalam to some of the birds. She shot well over 1000 photos which would have filled something like 30 odd traditional photo albums. Jaminy (KK s partner-in-crime) used her selfie stick to desired effect, taking pictures with most of the birds as one does with celebrities. I had also taken some but most of them were over-exposed as was new to mobile photography at that time, still am but mostly it works. Lake with Barn Owls near Eagle Encounters That is the lake we discovered/saw after coming back from Eagle Encounters. We had good times. Lastly, a virtual prize distribution ceremony a. Chirayu and KK A platinum trophy for actually thinking and pitching the place in the first place. b. Shirish and Deven Bansod Metal cups for not taking more than 10 minutes to freshen up and be back after hearing the plan to go to Eagle Encounters. c. All the girls/women Spoons for actually making it to the day. All the girls took quite sometime to freshen up, otherwise it might have been possible to also experience the Segways, who knows. All-in-all an enjoyable day spent in being part of Eagle Encounters .
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #Birds of Prey, #Debconf16, #Eagle Encounters, #Rehabilitation, #South African History, #Stellenbosch

17 November 2016

Gunnar Wolf: Book presentation by @arenitasoria: Hacker ethics, security and surveillance

At the beginning of this year, Irene Soria invited me to start a series of talks on the topic of hacker ethics, security and surveillance. I presented a talk titled Cryptography and identity: Not everything is anonymity. The talk itself is recorded and available in (sidenote: I find it amazing that Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana uses as their main multimedia publishing platform!) But as part of this excercise, Irene invited me to write a chapter for a book covering the series. And, yes, she delivered! So, finally, we will have the book presentation: I know, not everybody following my posts (that means... Only those at or near Mexico City) will be able to join. But the good news: The book, as soon as it is presented, will be published under a CC BY-SA license. Of course, I will notify when it is ready.

30 October 2016

Iain R. Learmonth: Powers to Investigate

The Communication Data Bill was draft legislation introduced first in May 2012. It sought to compel ISPs to store details of communications usage so that it can later be used for law enforcement purposes. In 2013 the passage of this bill into law had been blocked and the bill was dead. In 2014 we saw the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 appear. This seemed to be in response to the Data Retention Directive being successfully challenged at the European Court of Justice by Digital Rights Ireland on human rights grounds, with a judgment given in 2014. It essentially reimplemented the Data Retention Directive along with a whole load of other nasty things. The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act contained a sunset clause with a date set for 2016. This brings us to the Investigatory Powers Bill which it looks will be passing into law shortly. Among a range of nasty powers, this legislation will be able to force ISPs to record metadata about every website you visit, every connection you make to a server on the Internet. This is sub-optimal for the privacy minded, with my primary concern being that this is a treasure trove of data and it s going to be abused by someone. It s going to be too much for someone to resist. The existence of this power in the bill seemed to confuse the House of Lords:
It is not for me to explain why the Government want in the Bill a power that currently does not exist, because internet connection records do not exist, and which the security services say they do not want but which the noble and learned Lord says might be needed in the future. It is not for me to justify this power; I am saying to the House why I do not believe it is justified. The noble and learned Lord and the noble Lord, Lord Rosser, made the point that this is an existing power, but how can you have an existing power to acquire something that will not exist until the Bill is enacted? Lord Paddick (link)
Of course, the internet connection records are meaningless when your traffic is routed via a proxy or VPN, and there is a Kickstarter in progress that I would love to succeed: OnionDSL. The premise of OnionDSL is that instead of having an IPv4/IPv6 connection to the Internet, you join a private network that does not provide any routing to the global Internet and instead provides only a Tor bridge. I cannot think of anything that I do from home that I cannot do via Tor and have been considering switching to Qubes OS as the operating system on my day-to-day laptop to allow me to direct basically everything through Tor. The idea of provisioning a non-IP service via DSL is not new to me, I ve come across it before with cjdns which provides an encrypted IPv6 network using public key cryptography for network address allocation and a distributed hash table for routing. Peering between cjdns nodes can be performed over Ethernet and cjdns over Ethernet could be provisioned in place of the traditional PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) to provide access directly to cjdns without providing any routing to the global Internet. If OnionDSL is funded, I think it s very likely I would be considering becoming a customer. (Assuming the government doesn t attempt to also outlaw Tor).

8 October 2016

Norbert Preining: Debian/TeX update October 2016: all of TeX Live and Biber 2.6

Finally a new update of many TeX related packages: all the texlive-* including the binary packages, and biber have been updated to the latest release. This upload was delayed by my travels around the world, as well as the necessity to package a new Perl module (libdatetime-calendar-julian-perl) as required by new Biber. Also, my new job leaves me only the weekends for packaging. Anyway, the packages are now uploaded and should appear soon on your friendly local server. texlive2016-debian There are several highlights: The binaries have been patched with several upstream fixes (tex4ht and XeTeX compatibility, as well as various Japanese TeX engine fixes), updated biber and biblatex, and as usual loads of new and updated packages. Last but not least I want to thank one particular author: His package was removed from TeX Live due to the addition of a rather unusual clause in the license. Instead of simply uploading new packages to Debian with the rather important removed, I contacted the author and asked for clarification. And to my great pleasure he immediately answered with an update of the package with fixed license. All of us user of these many packages should be grateful to the authors of the packages who invest loads of their free time into supporting our community. Thanks! Enough now, here as usual the list of new and updated packages with links to their respective CTAN pages. Enjoy. New packages addfont, apalike-german, autoaligne, baekmuk, beamerswitch, beamertheme-cuerna, beuron, biblatex-claves, biolett-bst, cooking-units, cstypo, emf, eulerpx, filecontentsdef, frederika2016, grant, latexgit, listofitems, overlays, phonenumbers, pst-arrow, quicktype, revquantum, richtext, semantic-markup, spalign, texproposal, tikz-page, unfonts-core, unfonts-extra, uspace. Updated packages achemso, acmart, acro, adobemapping, alegreya, allrunes, animate, arabluatex, archaeologie, asymptote, attachfile, babel-greek, bangorcsthesis, beebe, biblatex, biblatex-anonymous, biblatex-apa, biblatex-bookinother, biblatex-chem, biblatex-fiwi, biblatex-gost, biblatex-ieee, biblatex-manuscripts-philology, biblatex-morenames, biblatex-nature, biblatex-opcit-booktitle, biblatex-phys, biblatex-realauthor, biblatex-science, biblatex-true-citepages-omit, bibleref, bidi, chemformula, circuitikz, cochineal, colorspace, comment, covington, cquthesis, ctex, drawmatrix, ejpecp, erewhon, etoc, exsheets, fancyhdr, fei, fithesis, footnotehyper, fvextra, geschichtsfrkl, gnuplottex, gost, gregoriotex, hausarbeit-jura, ijsra, ipaex, jfontmaps, jsclasses, jslectureplanner, latexdiff, leadsheets, libertinust1math, luatexja, markdown, mcf2graph, minutes, multirow, mynsfc, nameauth, newpx, newtxsf, notespages, optidef, pas-cours, platex, prftree, pst-bezier, pst-circ, pst-eucl, pst-optic, pstricks, pstricks-add, refenums, reledmac, rsc, shdoc, siunitx, stackengine, tabstackengine, tagpair, tetex, texlive-es, texlive-scripts, ticket, translation-biblatex-de, tudscr, turabian-formatting, updmap-map, uplatex, xebaposter, xecjk, xepersian, xpinyin. Enjoy.

9 August 2016

Shirish Agarwal: Doha and the Supreme Court of DFSG Free

Hi, I am in two minds of what to write about Doha. My job has been vastly simplified by a friend when he shared with me . That video is more relevant and more closer to the truth than whatever I can share. As can be seen it is funny but more sad the way Qatarians are trying to figure out how things will be and as can be seen it seems to heading towards a real estate bubble . They would have to let go of the Sharia if they are thinking of wealthy westerners coming to stay put. I am just sad to know that many of my country-men are stuck there and although I hope the best for them, I dread it may turn out the way it has turned out for many people of Indians, and especially from Kerala in Saudi Arabia. I would touch about the Kerala situation probably in another blog post as this time is exclusively for legal aspects which were discussed in Debconf. A bit of backgrounder here, one part of my family is lawyers which means I have somewhat notion of law as practiced in our land. As probably everybody knows, India was ruled by the British for around 150 odd years. One of the things that they gave while leaving was/is the IPC (Indian Penal Code) and is practiced with the common law concept. The concept means precedence of any judgement goes quite some way in framing rulings and law of the land as time goes on besides the lobbying and the politics which happens in any democracy. Free software would not have been there without the GPL The General Public License. And the license is as much a legal document as it s something that the developers can work without becoming deranged, as it is one of the more simpler licenses to work with. My own understanding of the legal, ethical and moral issues around me were framed by two-three different TV shows, books (fiction and non-fiction alike) apart from what little news I heard in family. One was M*A*S*H* (with Alan Alda and his frailness, anarchism, humanism, civil rights), the Practise and Boston Legal which does lay bare the many grey areas that lawyers have to deal with ( The Practice also influenced a lot of civil rights understanding and First amendment, but as it is a TV show, how much of it is actually practiced for lawyers and how much moral dilemma they are can only be guessed at.) . In books it is artists like John Grisham, Michael Connelly as well as Perry Mason Agatha Christie. In non-fiction look at the treasures under bombayhighcourt e-books corner and series of Hamlyn Lectures. I would have to warn that all of the above are major time-sinks but rewarding in their own way. Also haven t read all of them as time and interests are constrained but do know they are good for understanding bit of our history. I do crave for a meetup kind of scenario when non-lawyers can read and discuss about facets of law . All that understanding was vastly amplified by which made non-lawyers at the very least be able to decipher and understand what is going on in the free software world. After PJ (Pamela Jones) closed it in 2013 due to total surveillance by the Free World (i.e. the United States of America, NSA) we have been thirsty. We do get occasionally somewhat mildly interesting articles in or but nowhere the sheer brilliance of groklaw. So, it was a sheer stroke of luck that I met Mr. Bradley M. Kuhn who works with Karen Sandler on Software Conservancy. While I wanted to be there for his presentation, it was just one of those days which doesn t go as planned. However, as we met socially and over e-mail there were two basic questions which I asked him which also imbibes why we need to fight for software freedom in the court of law. Below is a re-wording of what he shared . Q1. why do people think that GPL still needs to be challenged in the court of law while there are gpl-violations which has been more or less successfully defended in the court of law ? Bradley Kuhn the GPL violations is basically a violation of one or more clauses of the GPL license and not the GPL license as a whole and my effort during my lifetime would be to make/have such precedents that the GPL is held as a valid license in the court of law. Q2. Let s say IF GPL is held to be valid in the court of law, would FSF benefit monetarily, at least to my mind it might be so, as more people and comapnies could be convinced to use strong copyleft licenses such as GPLv3 or AGPLv3 . Bradley Kuhn It may or may not. It is possible that even after winning, that people and especially companies may go for weak copyleft licenses if it suits them. The only benefit would probably would be to those people who are already using GPLv3 as the law could be used to protect them as well. Although we would want and welcome companies who would use strong copyleft license such as the GPL, the future is in future and hence uncertain. Both possibilities co-exist. While Bradley didn t say it, I would add further here it probably would mean also moving from being a more offensive mode (which GPL-violations is based upon where a violation occurs and somebody either from the victim s side or a by-stander notices the violation, brings it to the notice of the victim and the GPL-volations team.) to perhaps it being defended by the DMCA people themselves, once GPL is held as a valid license in the eyes of law. Although should you use the DMCA or not is a matter of choice, personal belief system as well as your legal recourses. I have to share that the FSF and the GPL-violations team are probably very discerning when they take up the fight as most of the work done by them is pro-bono (i.e. they don t make a single penny/paisa from the work done therein.) and hence in view of scarce resources, it makes sense to go only for the biggest violators in the hopes that you can either make them agree to compensate and agree to the terms of license of any software/hardware combination or sue them and take a bigger share of the reward/compensation awarded by the Court to help the defendant and maybe some of the proceeds donated by the defendant and people like you and me to make sure that Conservancy and the GPL-violations team is still around to help the next time something similar happens.
Bradley Kuhn presenting at #Debconf 16

Bradley Kuhn presenting at #Debconf 16

Now, as far as his presentation is concerned, whose video can be seen at , I thought it was tame. While he talked about gaming the system in some sense, he was sharing that the system debian-legal works (most-of-the-time). The list actually works because many far more brilliant people than me take time to understand the intricacies of various licenses and how they should be interpreted through the excellently written Debian Free Software Guidelines and whether the license under discussion contravenes the DFSG or is part of it. I do agree with his point though that the ftp-master/s and the team may not be the right person to judge the license in adherence to the DFSG, or her/is not giving a reason for rejecting a package to not entering into the package archive. I actually asked the same question on debian-legal and while I had guessed, it seems there is enough review of the licenses per-se as answer from Paul Wise shows. Charles Pessley also shared an idea he has documented which probably didn t get much traction as involves more work on DD s without any benefit to show for it. All in all I hope it sheds some light on why there is need to be more aware of law in software freedom. Two Organizations which work on software freedom from legal standpoint are SFLC (Delhi) headed by the charming Mr. Eben Moglen and ALF (Bangalore). I do hope more people, especially developers take a bit more interest in some of the resources mentioned above.
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #Alternative Law Forum, #bombayhighcourt e-library, #Common Law, #Debconf16, #Fiction, #Hewlyn lectures, #India, #Jurispudence, #legal fiction, #real estate bubble,, #Software Freedom, #timesink, Doha, Law

22 June 2016

Andrew Cater: "But I'm a commercial developer / a government employee"

Following on:

Having seen some posts about this elsewhere on the 'Net:

  1. Your specific area of FLOSS expertise (or)
  2. Your time / hours in an area unrelated to your FLOSS expertise (or)
  3. A job that has no impact or bearing on your FLOSS expertise (or)
  4. Your time / hours only - and negotiate accordingly
Your employer may be willing to negotiate / grant you an opt-out clause to protect your FLOSS expertise / accept an additional non-exclusive licence to your FLOSS code / be prepared to sign an assignment e.g.

"You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright
interest in the program Gnomovision'
(which makes passes at compilers) written
by James Hacker.

signature of Ty Coon, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice"

If none of the above is feasible: don't contribute anything that crosses the streams and mingles commercial and FLOSS expertise, however much you're offered to do so.

Patents / copyrights

"In the 1980s I had not yet realized how confusing it was to speak of the issue of intellectual property . That term is obviously biased; more subtle is the fact that it lumps together various disparate laws which raise very different issues. Nowadays I urge people to reject the term intellectual property entirely, lest it lead others to suppose that those laws form one coherent issue. The way to be clear is to discuss patents, copyrights, and trademarks separately. See further explanation of how this term spreads confusion and bias."
[ - footnote 8.]

If you want to assert a patent - it's probably not FLOSS. Go away :)

If you want to assert a trademark of your own - it's probably not FLOSS. Go away :)
[Trademarks may ordinarily be outside the scope of normal FLOSS legal considerations - but should be acknowledged wherever they occur both as a matter of law and as a matter of courtesy]

Copyright gives legal standing (locus standi in the terminology of English common law) to sue for infringement - that's the basis of licence enforcement actions.

Employees of governments and those doing government work
This is complex: some FLOSS contributors see a significant amount of this as immaterial to them in the same way that some indigenous populations do not acknowledge imposed colonial legal structures as valid - but both value systems can co-exist

12 April 2016

Petter Reinholdtsen: A French paperback edition of the book Free Culture by Lawrence Lessig is now available

I'm happy to report that the French paperback edition of my project to translate the Free Culture book by Lawrence Lessig is now available for sale on Once I have formally verified my proof reading copy, which should be in the mail, the paperback edition should be available in book stores like Amazon and Barnes & Noble too. This French edition, Culture Libre, is the work of the dblatex developer Beno t Guillon, who created the PO file from the initial translation available from the Wikilivres wiki pages and completed and corrected the translation to match the original docbook edition my project is using, as well as coordinated the proof reading of the final result. I believe the end result look great, but I am biased and do not read French. In addition to the paperback edition, the book is available in PDF, EPUB and Mobi format from the github project page linked to above. When enabling book store distribution on, I had to nearly triple the price to allow the book stores some profit. I also had to accept that I will get some revenue when a book is sold via But because of the non-commercial clause in the book license (CC-BY-NC), this might be a problem. To bypass the problem I discussed how to handle the revenue with the author, and we agreed that the revenue for these editions go to the Creative Commons non-profit Corporation who handle donations to the Creative Commons project. So far they have earned around USD 70 on sales of the English and Norwegian Bokm l editions, according to They will get the revenue for the French edition too. Their revenue is higher if you buy the book directly from instead of via a book store, so I recommend you buy directly from Perhaps you would like to get the book published in your language? The translation is done using a web based translator service, so the technical bar to enter is fairly low. Get in touch if you would like to make this happen.

1 April 2016

Norbert Preining: Searching for a job

Yesterday my contract with my university JAIST ended. I was working there as Associate Professor for 6.5 years, but the university decided not to extend my contract (financial problems, foreigner in Japan). That means, I am now out on the job market again not the greatest fun for an academic at my age. Thanks to JAIST for circumventing the ominous 5-year clause of permanent employment.
shuushoku My prime interests are academic work, that is research and teaching, where research is in a variety of fields, mostly mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, and formal methods. Recently I am working on an extension of the Curry-Howard correspondence to cover different calculi, in particular Hyper Sequent Calculi, and relate them to some kind of process algebra. For more details see the logic dedicated page. My other focal point is programming and software development, where I have contributed to many open source projects, and act as main developer of the TeX Live infrastructure and distribution system (tlmgr). Main languages are Perl, PHP, C, but also Python, Vala, Lisp, CafeOBJ, and whatever comes around. For more details see the software page. I recently became father, so I would prefer either an academic position in Hokuriku, Japan, or a software developer position where I can work (most of the time) remotely. In case one of the readers here has some hints, please drop me a line. In the meantime I enjoy my unemployed life with my baby!

8 March 2016

Michal &#268;iha&#345;: Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2016-W09

The last week was mostly spent on bugfixing and cleanup after security releases. Hopefully the amount of security reports will go down now. Most of the bug fixes were in the SQL parser which influences quite a lot of parts of phpMyAdmin. It is responsible for splitting queries on import, generating queries for export or linting the queries as users type them. Additionally Debian packages were also updated, for both unstable and testing and for Ubuntu PPA. Handled issues:

Filed under: Debian English phpMyAdmin 0 comments

29 February 2016

Tom Marble: is-slfc-shooting-open-source-in-the-foot

Is SFLC Shooting Open Source in the Foot? The academic article by SFLC about ZFS is troubling and may unintentionally shoot free software licensing in the foot. When I was at Sun (as part of the team that released the Java Programming Language by starting the OpenJDK project) I often heard community concerns about the CDDL license. At the time the big complaint was about the "Choice of Venue" clause. I got involved because Sun had developed many essential Java libraries and distributed them under CDDL. The community requested a more permissive license and I was able to convince internal project leaders (and Sun's lawyers) to make a licensing change for a handful of these projects. And there was much rejoicing. Based on my experience in helping Java to become open source I came to appreciate the legal hacks on copyright which make open source possible. It's the free software license which uses copyright to enable sharing (vs. the default of disabling sharing).

Open Source Licenses
And so I have appreciated many of the writings and speeches from SFLC on the mechanisms of software freedom. I was particularly moved by the talks about the "Freedom Box" concept. That's why this SFLC post on ZFS sounds so off key: if open source works because of free software licenses it seems weird to weaken that foundation by prioritizing the "equity" (or intended spirit) of the license. Allow me to mention that as I do most of my computing these days on GNU/Linux I miss the super cool features of ZFS from Solaris. I did try an early version of btrfs and was quite disappointed (but that's another story). In this happy case the source code for ZFS is available, but what about the future, when we aren't so lucky and someone asserts in court that the "you know, the software license was really about the spirit of sharing and that means we are allowed to use it -- and not be held to the pesky details as written in the license". A lawyer I respect called this out: "Equity" has no place in US law. The point is that for lawyers software licenses work because they have clear, written rules to guarantee the spirit is upheld; but spirit doesn't work in front of a judge -- clear rules do. Free and open source software has made so much progress in all facets of life why on earth would we second guess the licensing tools that made it possible? And why would SFLC try to shift the spotlight (and in this case the legal burden) to "a good-faith belief that the conduct falls within the equity of the license". Especially given the earlier comment which clearly states "[the combination] is inconsistent with the literal meaning of GPLv2 section 2(b)."

The entire raison d' tre for open source software licenses was so that developers (and users) would have clarity and wouldn't have to ask permission to use the software!!! As stated elsewhere (and like I did with those Java libraries) the easy solution is to have the ZFS copyright holder (now Oracle) reclicense (or dual license) the code under a compatible license (permissive or copyleft). If OpenSolaris was still a thing I might understand some hesitancy, but why not liberate ZFS now? So we have to wonder what could possibly be motivating this odd "spirit of the license" position on the part of SFLC? Fortunately charities that enjoy non-profit status are required to make public filings of their income in something called a "Form 990". The latest SFLC 990 I could find shows SFLC getting 78% (or just over $5 million) from "non public support" (see page 14). A number with "two commas" would even be interesting to for-profit companies. Just whom is making these "donations" and what exactly do they get in return? Apparently I'm not the only one wondering about this question. On one hand it's important to know if SFLC as a non-profit is, indeed, acting in the public interest (as the IRS requires). Yet the even bigger issue here is would "asking for a consensus about the spirit" trump the written copyright license and set a scary precedent for open source software in general?

